Design Network Africa
27 October 2016
24 March 2016
Katia Meneghini and Thanos Zakopoulos, known as CTRLZAK, have been researching expressive oriental and western shapes for some time now, and they create unexpected, “contaminated” patterns that make for very original design. Their latest project, “Motley”, a series of coloured tablecloths featuring reworked, traditional patterns from various cultures, is evidence of this hybrid approach. Again, East meets West, in a blaze of graphic and floral décor, and instead of the pure white settings normally insisted on by chefs, tables “dress” in patterns. The Motley project confirms the trend of looking back in time in order to recover figurative art from past centuries, and then reinterpreting it freely. Daring colours and combinations evoke stately memories that can transform daily living into a colourful feast.
WHERE: Via Don Bartolomeo Grazioli 6 | 20161, Milano, Italia
Katia Meneghini and Thanos Zakopoulos, known as CTRLZAK, have been researching expressive oriental and western shapes for some time now, and they create unexpected, “contaminated” patterns that make for very original design. Their latest project, “Motley”, a series of coloured tablecloths featuring reworked, traditional patterns from various cultures, is evidence of this hybrid approach. Again, East meets West, in a blaze of graphic and floral décor, and instead of the pure white settings normally insisted on by chefs, tables “dress” in patterns. The Motley project confirms the trend of looking back in time in order to recover figurative art from past centuries, and then reinterpreting it freely. Daring colours and combinations evoke stately memories that can transform daily living into a colourful feast.
The Moodboarders is a glance into the design world, which, in all of its facets, captures the extraordinary even within the routine. It is a measure of the times. It is an antenna sensitive enough to pick-up on budding trends, emerging talents and neglected aesthetics. Instead of essays, we use brief tales to tune into the rhythm of our world. We travelled for a year without stopping, and seeing as the memory of this journey has not faded, we have chosen to edit a printed copy. We eliminated anything episodic, ephemeral or fading, maintaining a variety of articles that flow, without losing the element of surprise, the events caught taking place, and the creations having just bloomed.