
Customers who bring in a book they have read are invited to write their name, date and a brief message on the flyleaf and leave it there for other patrons. The cosy interior has been signed by the interior design studio Not Before Ten, whose designers came up with the idea of dividing the area into two: an inner zone with counter and tables and a large room with a huge bookcase that faces the street, making it brighter and ideal for reading.

The used book café of Le Bal Infernal in Gent is the property of Ericx and Bieke Lambrecht. At this café, which presents an original concept, where one can enjoy a drink, a bite to eat and read in peace and quiet. Anyone frequenting Le Bal Infernal can acquire one of the thousands of books aligned on the shelves for only 2 euros, or one can bargain for a book according to the rules of book exchange (bring one, take one).

Gli interni sono stati progettati dallo studio di Antwerp Not Before Ten. Foto Lennert Depreterre & Kris Dekeyser
I libri sono a disposizione dei clienti che possono acquistarli per pochi spiccioli o barattarli con un altro volume. A tutti è chiesto di scrivere un messaggio personale sulla prima pagina. Foto Lennert Depreterre & Kris Dekeyser
I volumi sono divisi per genere, in questo modo è facilissimo trovare qualcosa da leggere che assecondi interessi e passioni differenti! Foto Lennert Depreterre & Kris Dekeyser
Per rimanere in tema, i bagni sono tappezzati con tantissime copertine di libri. Foto Lennert Depreterre & Kris Dekeyser
Davanti al bancone, nella parte più “funky” del locale, campeggia un grande albero. Foto Lennert Depreterre & Kris Dekeyser
Nel corridoio con muri di mattoni rossi vengono proiettati cortometraggi e anche filmati su richiesta dei clienti. Foto Lennert Depreterre & Kris Dekeyser

WHERE: Kammerstraat 6 9000 Gent, Belgium

The used book café of Le Bal Infernal in Gent is the property of Ericx and Bieke Lambrecht. At this café, which presents an original concept, where one can enjoy a drink, a bite to eat and read in peace and quiet. Anyone frequenting Le Bal Infernal can acquire one of the thousands of books aligned on the shelves for only 2 euros, or one can bargain for a book according to the rules of book exchange (bring one, take one). Customers who bring in a book they have read are invited to write their name, date and a brief message on the flyleaf and leave it there for other patrons. The cosy interior has been signed by the interior design studio Not Before Ten, whose designers came up with the idea of dividing the area into two: an inner zone with counter and tables and a large room with a huge bookcase that faces the street, making it brighter and ideal for reading.

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The Moodboarders is a glance into the design world, which, in all of its facets, captures the extraordinary even within the routine. It is a measure of the times. It is an antenna sensitive enough to pick-up on budding trends, emerging talents and neglected aesthetics. Instead of essays, we use brief tales to tune into the rhythm of our world. We travelled for a year without stopping, and seeing as the memory of this journey has not faded, we have chosen to edit a printed copy. We eliminated anything episodic, ephemeral or fading, maintaining a variety of articles that flow, without losing the element of surprise, the events caught taking place, and the creations having just bloomed.